Okay, my dear readers you should read this: 4-year-old can be sued, judge ruled Dear God and Goddess, a four year old couldn't know the different between stop and go with a bike at times when they are driving it. If this little girl hopes to see college apparently, this little old lady that was mowed down was not paying much attention. The ruling by the judge, Justice Paul Wooten of State Supreme Court in Manhattan, did not find that the girl was liable, but merely permitted a lawsuit brought against her, another boy and their parents to move forward. (Article above) I'm sorry, but that woman is a little off her rocker if she thinks a four year old knows the difference between a speed limit on a New York sidewalk. She was maybe no even aware how fast she was going. Also this judge is being unreasonable on the action considering that the person who should be considered for this is the child's mother who was liable and not the child. As someone who might want a chi...