This is news?

Read: 100 Million ATM receipt This is not news, this is someone who actually knows how to save money or its a bank error, to be honest, who knows and who freaking gives a care. We live in a nation where we have people snooping through other people's lives so easily, I noticed this and was guilty of this. I stay out of it now a days and just read in a corner. I don't think it is right to think the person in the story is some Scrooge McDuck, no, he's way. This is a person who has kept up with his money and has not overspent on trivial things. I'm guessing this person doesn't even have a credit card. I doubt there is a person swimming in a huge pool of money, that would just be silly. If he or she is reading this good job, you made the American dream, you may not think you're rich, but you're better off than the rest of us. What would I do with that kind of money? Being that I'm a poor girl at the moment, yeah, having that amount of money in my acc...