
Showing posts from July, 2012

The Shooter Appears Today

I overslept a bit, so yeah, I got maybe a few hours of sleep. Anyway, the shooter appears today in court and I'm not going to watch, it isn't worth it knowing that he's going to face justice and no matter what. People have spoken and yes, I agree with the court's decisions. I'm not going to name the guy, it isn't my place to place a judgement, but he deserves what he gets and from what I do know is that it is a terrible tragedy and the people are going to be haunted by this for awhile, as will the shooter. He will have to face his own demons and find that he will end up feeling the heat and also the fact he did something so horrible. If you want to see, here it is: I'm not committed to watching this. It doesn't bring anyone who died back. Keep looking for the brighter side of the sky and we move closer to it.

May we mourn and strive for the clear part of the Sky

Colorado- Yeah, I live in the state, I saw through the third person, and for the most part, my heart was sinking the moment I saw the news. I was at another theater at the time of hte shooting, I was staring at the screen, enjoying a movie, and suddenly, my reality was given a piece of terrible news. Innocent lives cut short, people who should have been having a good time, they were all cut short, people who deserved nothing more than to go to a movie. I can't believe any of it that night, I couldn't think of coming on here and saying something on it. I was expecting the peaceful memorial, then I saw the words, Westboro Baptist Church coming here? These hate mongers, these horrible people who use their own children as a shield? These people believe they are the only chosen to live? Who do they think they are? I know what I say, "WE ARE COLORADO!" We mourn, we lost lives in Columbine, we lost soldiers, we lost a child who was just about to live. We have so much ...

Health Insurance Discrimination?

Okay, I lost my health insurance recently, now I have to face a huge problem, finding it, after giving my height and weight, I was automatically denied because I didn't fall under their critera. I'm starting to think that maybe I should just lie on the paper work and then have it fixed when I'm at the doctor's office. That is fraud, which isn't legal on any sense of the word. I have read articles recently that these discrimination is actually common. In fact people who are considered overweight and or obsess are basically discriminated against and treated like they are invisible. So I'm deciding to go without it and see what happens. I'm going to stop using the medication that I have been on for a year, which is for my Anemia and just moderate my diet and my iron intake. My advice because of the discrimination, just don't get sick. Link: