The Shooter Appears Today
I overslept a bit, so yeah, I got maybe a few hours of sleep. Anyway, the shooter appears today in court and I'm not going to watch, it isn't worth it knowing that he's going to face justice and no matter what. People have spoken and yes, I agree with the court's decisions. I'm not going to name the guy, it isn't my place to place a judgement, but he deserves what he gets and from what I do know is that it is a terrible tragedy and the people are going to be haunted by this for awhile, as will the shooter. He will have to face his own demons and find that he will end up feeling the heat and also the fact he did something so horrible. If you want to see, here it is: I'm not committed to watching this. It doesn't bring anyone who died back. Keep looking for the brighter side of the sky and we move closer to it.