Let's Get into...Religious Zealotry and Moral Orel
I am not religious, in fact I left Christianity about when I was 15, I had seen a lot of things in my time and much of it was gross. The first was the open hatred toward openly gay people, which made zero sense, because I am Asexual and have been this way all my life. I didn't get much of a choice in the matter of who I am at times because guess what biology doesn't exactly lie does it? Now that I have my background out of the way, I am going to mention a few YouTubers and I want you to be aware of them throughout the discussion. Owen (TellTale), Jimmy Snow, and Lloyd Evens have influenced a lot of how I am going to look at this. These men have made a huge impact on how I look at religion, but also how it has torn into their lives. Owen and Lloyd came from Jehovah Witnesses, they left much in the same thoughts as I did when I was leaving the Episcopal Church. I have to say that their commentary on the JW has left me feeling a little better when I helped two friends who left ...