Let's Get into...Religious Zealotry and Moral Orel

 I am not religious, in fact I left Christianity about when I was 15, I had seen a lot of things in my time and much of it was gross. The first was the open hatred toward openly gay people, which made zero sense, because I am Asexual and have been this way all my life. I didn't get much of a choice in the matter of who I am at times because guess what biology doesn't exactly lie does it?

Now that I have my background out of the way, I am going to mention a few YouTubers and I want you to be aware of them throughout the discussion. Owen (TellTale), Jimmy Snow, and Lloyd Evens have influenced a lot of how I am going to look at this. These men have made a huge impact on how I look at religion, but also how it has torn into their lives. 

Owen and Lloyd came from Jehovah Witnesses, they left much in the same thoughts as I did when I was leaving the Episcopal Church. I have to say that their commentary on the JW has left me feeling a little better when I helped two friends who left it as well. The answers I got and also the fact that Lloyd was openly aware that it is hard to leave, and gave encouragement and ability to think without feeling guilty. Owen in my own thoughts has the sarcasm and also education that made it much easier to understand, he is very close to my age and also very close to the age of a friend of mine who left back in 2017 to 2019. 

The fact is that there was another driving force that solidified my leaving of Christianity and it was a show on Adult Swim called Moral Orel, with stop motion animation and stories that as silly and crazy gave me enough thoughts to realize how insane it was. The fact is this show is now just as important now as it was then. 

There are people who think like the cast of Moral Orel and it scares the ever living crap out of me, these are people who use the Bible in the most harmful ways. The truth is, that it can eventually do more damage than even the words of Buddha. The fact is, that the cast reminds of certain people, Greg Locke is a male Ms. Censordoll and it makes me worry because of how he responds. He is verdictive and isn't scared of punishment. I think he would rather have it. 

The moment you watch the episodes of Moral Orel you are starting to see the fact that as silly and weird as it is, this show started to move toward reality. It became real! I think that was the reason it ended in the way it did. Orel started to out grow that childhood when he realized his father was nothing but a hateful alcoholic jerk, who couldn't even accept his own bisexuality. His mother had no love in the marriage much less for her own kids.

What the hell did I watch? How the hell did it get so bad? 

2016, we had Trump elected all the cast of Moral Orel started to have more of a voice, they started to show up on social media. They started to verbally attack those who had no desire to be part of their MAGA ideas. The truth is, would the cast of Moral Orel wear those red hats? YES! Oh hell yes, they would proudly march down the street yelling and screaming, they'd make a total show of it. These are the kind of people that we have. 

The question would Orel as an adult believe it? I doubt it, he would have grown tired of the religious nuttiness that he may as well been Christian, but not that kind. He would find that happy medium where he would rather be nice to the Pagan Neighbor next door, or help the gay man across the street. The one thing that I did notice is that his coach started to act like a dad in the last episode of season 3. His track coach started to see Orel as Orel, not his lover's son. He saw the boy as someone who needed the bond and didn't need to have any wires attached. 

The moment that Orel found the picture of his coach and dad, did he realize that there was nothing else he could do. His father was the biggest liar out there, and yet, here was Orel learning that the coach, Danel was wanting to spend time with just HIM, not as his coach, but as a person who wanted to be liked by him as a father figure. Orel needed a father, and I was waiting for that line that he mattered. "Your father helped make you, that's what matters." That's not exactly the line I was waiting. 

I was wishing for a later episode, something that took place a few years where Orel is fifteen and he decides to call his grandfather and ask to live on the farm and bring Shapey and Doughy with him. His father and mother was really getting the divorce and the children are stuck with too very loveless parents. 

Now how does this relate to the present? Well...look what we have as part of the US, we have a bunch of Fundamentalist Christians who are basically wanting a Moralton, but suddenly it seen as almost horrifying to us. People like myself who are pagan just wonder what the hell is worse? 

The fact we as a nation have people acting like characters in a claymation show and have almost as much crazy in there. The moment we let that in, the moment that this becomes a thing, we are suddenly smacked in the face with it. 

People like Owen (TellTale) show that in videos on YouTube and I am suddenly trying to not draw the conclusion until I realize too late there it is. An almost fake America, and these idiotic fundies want to make it a reality! 

What do I say we do? Continue to have the conversation! 


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