Vague and yet it passed?

I don't report much on world news, but this is going to annoy are two sources to look at: The Escapist: Child Safety Bill Bill 156's Total Scope The Bill 156 is a public ordinance bill in Tokyo Japan, this bill causes a problem because of the vague assumptions and also the fact that the Japanese are strongly looking at what is considered deviant. It is a long held fact that Anime and Manga has been so ingrained as part of the culture, that even fans from all over the world are taking a notice of this bill because it could in some ways out right kill the ability for fans to obtain their favorite series. Like the bills and acts made in the US regarding beer, illegal substances, cigarettes, and pornography. Anime has always toed the line in between considering that most of the anime world has been blasted with what is called Hentai (Porn). The problems with what is going on in most nations regarding the issue of pornography is the difference between adult and child. I...