Vague and yet it passed?

I don't report much on world news, but this is going to annoy are two sources to look at:
The Escapist: Child Safety Bill
Bill 156's Total Scope
The Bill 156 is a public ordinance bill in Tokyo Japan, this bill causes a problem because of the vague assumptions and also the fact that the Japanese are strongly looking at what is considered deviant. It is a long held fact that Anime and Manga has been so ingrained as part of the culture, that even fans from all over the world are taking a notice of this bill because it could in some ways out right kill the ability for fans to obtain their favorite series.
Like the bills and acts made in the US regarding beer, illegal substances, cigarettes, and pornography. Anime has always toed the line in between considering that most of the anime world has been blasted with what is called Hentai (Porn). The problems with what is going on in most nations regarding the issue of pornography is the difference between adult and child. I'm sorry to say, but because of the Shotakon and Lolicon (Child Porn) we face a slight problem.
"1) Tokyo will have the authority to suggest how minors have access to information through their cell phone based on the user’s age, to in order to make such changes, the Governor (or his office) has to heed advise from cell phone service industry people, parental guardians of minors, those with background in education, and etc.
2) Tokyo’s definition of how it deems publicly available material as harmful to minors will be changed.
- Previously, “Any material that may be detrimental toward the healthy development of youth because of their capacity to be sexually stimulating, encourages cruelty, and/or may compel suicide or criminal behavior.” was the criteria.
- Now the criteria will be expanded to include: “Any manga, animation, or pictures (but not including real life pictures or footage) that features either sexual or pseudo sexual acts that would be illegal in real life, or sexual or pseudo sexual acts between close relatives whose marriage would be illegal*, where such depictions and / or presentations unjustifiably glorify or exaggerate the activity.”
- Any material that is excessively breaches this standard can be deemed to be “harmful material” by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government unilaterally and thereby restrict their circulation from all minors (0-17 of age)." (Bill 156's Total Scope)
This is basically stating that anything in anime can be consider sexual, or manga in the same grain. What about all the funny jokes in Naruto, like Sexy no Jutsu....wouldn't that be a bad thing to actually give that anime a porn reading and no one can actually buy it? That is considered a little cruel and also affects the business done in Japan and also the world.
Anime and Manga make up nearly 15% of business in some way, shape or form in many nations. With that statue going into affect, even if it is protecting those from pornography as it is supposed to, it could be easily abused by some.
This was supposed to protect children from pornography and what is considered unhealthy in some cases. Child porn is always going to be a problem in any nation and having to sit here typing in what is considered to be the understatement to some. Hentai, Yaoi, Yuri, Shotakan, and Lolicon only make up about 10% of anime that is viewed. Most of the time, I pass this stuff over, I'm not a fan of Yaoi, I do like some Yuri as long as it is tasteful.
Taking the stature too far could not only harm the industry, but the fans themselves will start to see an increase in discrimination on anime fans and also what is viewed.
"What makes this even stranger is that in Japan as in the US, the government already regulates hardcore pornography to keep it out of the hands of youths. In fact, this bill has absolutely nothing to do with materials that are already classified as adult works. The only things affected by these provisions would be anime, manga and games depicting these issues, but not in a manner sexually explicit enough to be classified as porn." (The Escapist: news: Child Safety bill)There is a difference between being over protective and being stupid. The problem with most of the bills that come up, is that even in the state side, we see this. There are bills that can limit and also cause freedom of speech problems. In many ways, we see the bill from California making it illegal to sell or buy video games that are rated T or higher. What is it going to take to tell people that those games that are T are not going to harm anyone. The rating system was created to help people, not try to dic

Pornography has existed for centuries, some people need to sit down and actually read what they are actually voting for. Japan on the other hand will have to work through the problems, if the UN is really looking at this, we are looking at global shut down for months before anime companies will move out of Tokyo. Thank goodness this only affects one city and not the entire country. If you are an anime fan reading this and think it is otherwise stupid of the Country to talk about it, it isn't just you that is affected.
Manga, video games, anime, and also the ability to purchase these items could become a problem. Americans and also the Japanese are going to face a lot of problems if there is a consistent chance that Bill 156 will be abused. The problem is that there should be a clear definition of child porn, pornography and also it up to the people who are affected to make the choices of yelling out saying, "Wait, but some anime isn't porn!"
Just a reminder, because something happens in another country, it can affect us and our economy. The US is under a lot of pressure to fix their economic problems, but having anime limited like this could affect not only your abilities to purchase items and also affect how anime conventions are run in the future. The law comes into affect July 1st 2011, do what you can at this time to make sure that all the anime you can get is still legal, stay away from porn and remind the Japanese that anime to us is art.
Hentai makes up only 10% to 15% of anime, and we are still the voice. Anime fans united...anime fans forever! Remember speak out, speak often, tell the truth!
As someone who runs a panel at Nan Desu Kan in Denver Colorado, Animeland Wasabi in Aurora Colorado and other conventions. I view most anime to have a connection to the culture, a limitation to the culture could cause damages beyond repair for the nation. I have seen the damages that this can cause on the Anthropological stand point. Cultures that are controlled in some ways by governmental agencies can have adverse affects on a nation as a whole.
I am not for porn, but I'm not for limiting the ability to see art and also artwork. Would you censor David or even some of the other artwork that was done in the 1600s or earlier?
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