Another WHAT THE HELL IS this bill?

Read this article: Georgia anti-abortion bill will require an investigation of miscarriage

What the hell bill of the month! I swear this is anything more annoying than what it is. Another attack on women and also our rights for reproduction. Like in the Colorado with amend. 62 which would have done the same thing, it was brought down because it would have caused too much problems.

"Legislation recently introduced to the Georgia legislature by House Republican Bobby Franklin would make abortion the legal equivalent of murder and require miscarriages to be investigated by authorities.

The bill, known as HB 1, was uncovered by the progressive blog The Daily Kos.

Franklin's bill would classify the removal of a fetus from a woman for any reason other than to produce a live birth or to remove a dead fetus as "prenatal murder." Physicians indicted for alleged "prenatal murder" would have their license suspended until they were found innocent of the crime." (From above article)

This is just too screwed up to be considered anything more than another attempt by the Evangelicals to limit a female's ability to have reproductive rights. What's next, females being unable to vote or work? Yeah, that would go over real WELL for us women and for the economy considering the slump we are in.

Has anyone ever read, "Midwife's Tale" or whatever it is called about this kind of problem. Has this guy even read that book and realized how close we are to becoming this kind of freaking nation where women are not allowed to even exist unless it is to have freaking BRATS?

"State Rep. Franklin also recently introduced a bill mandating that victims of rape, stalking, harassment, and family violence be re-classified as "accusers." "(from article)

What the hell! OK, so if a friend of mine is raped and she goes to the cops, she could be arrested instead of the man who raped her? That makes no sense and whoever this freaking jerk who wrote this bill is, is a sexist pig as far as I am concerned!

Laws like these are not good for the American public and nor is it good for us to condone this kind of person to be elected as a senator at any case, Georgia needs to look at this law and tell people that this could affect us all. I can see people in this country going into a fictionalized world of hate and also considering that now women who are in Georgia don't even have rights to point out the person in a line up who raped her. Does this look fair to you? I'm staring at this law and starting to figure it is now a horrible plot by the Evangelical Christian groups to put a thumb in all governmental groups.

What's next, Pat Robertson's birthday being celebrated?


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