Unfair and untrue

Because of this outrage, I'm only putting my photography on DA and nothing more than that. It is sad that I have to transfer all my artwork onto an alternative site and then make sure that not many people can find it. And considering that I have three alternative sites, which I will not name at the moment. I have been through enough problems in the past that I don't need some bully going around flexing his muscles and starting problems.
I am not a thief nor have I ever stole art from fellow artists, I draw my own way and I do my own renderings of characters and I'm so disappointed with the fact that I'm scared to lose my account on DA and so I backed up everything. The problem is that reputation is everything to an artist. I have felt like someone has basically taken my gift and just decided to do something terrible. Having a friend having to tell me what these people ahve done make me feel like I shouldn't bother even drawing anymore, but then these people win.
My friend, Jer told me that there are jerks on the internet and just remember that there are people out there that do care about me as friends. So he said as a moderator for a website I was more than welcome to put my art on there and not worry about the jerks anymore, then again, his site has some interesting people who aren't much on the art, but love to talk about TV, movies and artwork. They're not bad people at all. So I'm happy to have them allow me to bring my artwork onto their site.
Truth is I have been thinking about moving my artwork to a better site and also considering on this site, I can have control over who can post comments and I can approve or not approve. Its a little more restricting on some aspects, but again, this is a site that I have been on since 1999 and its a good social networking site. I do remember a time when you couldn't even post pictures on there, now its a joy to do that. I'll continue working hard on my pictures. Aside from that a lot of people are enjoying my artwork and I do seem to have a huge group of friends on FB to back me up when problems arise.
If you see all the pictures on here are all mine, in fact I drew them, one is a rendering of Baskerville from Hellsing. While the other is a self image of what I would look like as an anime character of my own design. Does this really look like I am an art thief to you? Actually my co-workers have said there is no way, because I have a style that's unique and special, not something stolen from someone else, something I trained myself to do.
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