Can Movies Get Any More....

As I have said before I'm tired of Dystopia films, why? I am a fan of "The Hunger Games," I have no clue what "Divergent" is about, but may not want to go see it. Then there is this film, a terrible book from my childhood being made into a movie for the summer, "The Giver," first off I read this in my book club in Middle School with a fellow classmate, we both had this opinion, we didn't like it, was too depressing for us.

We can't say we hate the writer, the writer is not the problem, its the feel of the book. I'm sorry to tell my dear readers this, but there is no way I'm going to speak for saying I'm going to see this movie. I can't handle depressing books like this, anymore than I could handle watching movies that made me cry nearly all the time like Schindler's List. This is just too much for me, I can't handle it...nor will I ever say I will.

Truthfully, the reasoning for why I'm not going to see "The Giver" is clear, I can't handle it, nor will I ever handle even reading the book. People think I'm pretty much a lame person, but I like my fantasy books with a bit of fun and action, not something about a terrible world where people chose to be blind.

I gave "The Hunger Games" a chance simply because it gave the idea  that hope exists even in a world that chooses what it does, while "The Giver" has no hope in it at all, it is basically choosing to be blind and turning the world away from itself, making humans less human. It isn't right and it is just plain scary to me because people will choose to be inhuman no matter what. I can't handle that anymore, hell, I cry each time I see an ASCPA commercial and donate my money to them without much thought. Makes me wonder how many others out there that turn their backs on seeing the sorrowful faces of animals out there.

Trust me, I'm not going to protest this movie, but certainly not going to encourage anyone to go see it, I was the same way with "Ender's Game," I'm never going to see something so terrible.

Ridicule away, say what you want, but truthfully, that's my personal feelings on the matter. It is great that many more books are being noticed for the big screen, but Hollywood, could you at least consider Anne McCaffery or much less Mercedes Lackey too, their works of fiction are beautiful, please consider it as we are also in the age of Game of Thrones, Doctor Who, Sherlock and many more great series out there that have a fantasy spin to them. Why do we need more Dystopias out there? Can't we have the fun and fantasy that is like the movie, "Legend," or are we so fickle to think that the whole world is terrible?


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