
Showing posts from June, 2016

Religion Kills....Imagination and Life

Link: Biblical Gender Roles Here is what caused me to respond to this with such a negative thought: Women do not know or accept their place in God’s creation anymore. “A woman’s place is in the home” is just one of many truths that our society derides and mocks. “to ‘love, honor and obey’” has been stripped from most marriage vows as women no longer believe they must obey their husbands or be in subjection to their husbands as Sarah who called her husband “lord”(I Peter 3:5-6). Oh this really does not support a woman in the least, this just supports the view that women are less intellectually than men. Honestly, I have seen both men and women in the same late, they are about as stupid or as smart as the next set. Gender roles were FORCED onto a culture back in the days and it hurt our development more than anything. This whole back to the house idea of some Christians is the worst idea considering that what will happen if the husband dies, what happens? She has to remarry or ha...