Religion Kills....Imagination and Life
Link: Biblical Gender Roles
Here is what caused me to respond to this with such a negative thought:
Women do not know or accept their place in God’s creation anymore. “A woman’s place is in the home” is just one of many truths that our society derides and mocks. “to ‘love, honor and obey’” has been stripped from most marriage vows as women no longer believe they must obey their husbands or be in subjection to their husbands as Sarah who called her husband “lord”(I Peter 3:5-6).
Oh this really does not support a woman in the least, this just supports the view that women are less intellectually than men. Honestly, I have seen both men and women in the same late, they are about as stupid or as smart as the next set.
Gender roles were FORCED onto a culture back in the days and it hurt our development more than anything. This whole back to the house idea of some Christians is the worst idea considering that what will happen if the husband dies, what happens? She has to remarry or have to deal with the fact that the woman will be forced into the welfare system because she doesn't have the ability to manage money on her own.
I made a decision to NOT do it, my fiance and I both decided that we needed this, he can't find work at times so I'm the one bringing home money and thinking of the house. I have to balance our budget, our rent, bills and so forth are all through me! I made decisions that help us pay for anything and everything.
Here is another selfish story by the same writer: Working Mothers
This was what urked me is the idea that I'm being selfish at the decision to pursue a life that is much more me, a life that doesn't include having a family or having a connection. I want to keep my hobbies and my heart, I don't want to be a mother or a family because it isn't in my design or my plans.
It doesn't wrecks a woman's self esteem when you think about how Evangelical Christians put so much emphasis on Family and BRATS! Honestly, the reason why i think Christianity should FAIL is because of the emphasis, the growth of groups like the Childless by Choice, and the movement to end Gender Hostility as I view Gender Roles as being
Its old fashioned and not isn't part of what is normal for the culture, to force a woman out of her need to work and also bring in an income kind of causes a problem for me at least. I'm a breadwinner and that's my role, I accepted it when my fiance can't find work. He has had problems for years with that, he is either told, "I'm sorry, you're over qualified, your debts are too high, you could steal..." it went from that and he never stole in his you can imagine how I feel. He takes on part time and even less jobs and he can't even help me with that, it hurts him, while I work and do what I can.
Bringing a child into a situation that can be damaging, i have told people I came from a very negative view of the special needs crowd. I was sort of forced to tolerate people who drooled on themselves and sometimes treated it like I had to accept birthday invitiations when I as a child would intentionally throw them away when I got the chance. I was never really accepted in the normal classroom by some students until high schools when I was reading and doing classes that were far beyond that of a Sp.Ed kid. I actually believed I was cursed to be stuck with Retards as they were commonly called and if I had a child like that I would chose adoption as an option because I knew i would never accept or even condone their existence as part of my job. I believe its MY money and my rules, if my child is substandard in that, then adoption so they can get a family that is able to support it or institutionalizing the child till adulthood.
Its not that I hate them, its that I can't be seen or even working with a child that is not suitable to my IQ level. I was born with a very high standard of IQ which landed me in places that I had no interest in being in. I was bored throughout half of my classes because some of it was just material I had no idea how to deal with. I am still horrible at math, but yet when it comes to books or history, much less even culture understanding, I have exceeded the expectations of a culture of well...Religious idiocy.
The truth is, the US is becoming what we were escaping from Britain a long time ago, we are now facing the Fundamentalist Christians forcing the impossible rules. I can't wear a dress, I can't stay home and be a mommy, I can't be bothered with having to do all that with my husband or fiance. I have low sexual drive.
Here is another article from the same group: Why does God Make Women with Genius IQ
Honestly when I read this, I was actually furious, here was woman in my same book and I'm following what I"m doing and I feel right for it. This woman is degraded for the fact that her family decided to let her go back to work. It isn't as if she was committing a crime, she just didn't measure up to what a house wife should be, she couldn't cook or be as loving as she was as mother. Which is kind of like my mom, she tried to do the whole be a worker while my father was a stay at home dad because he was laid off back in the 1980s.
My mom found that it was not a good idea to be an accountant and then found out how horrible my experiences were at day care when my father went back to work. IT was the criticism of parents at my school that made it evident that things were not always prefect in the eyes of others.
My mother was always criticized for not having a religion in our home, reason for that, my mother was not a religious person. She wanted more for myself and my sister, but the one thing i desired was the one thing that i know she could never provide, that proof that I could be in college, I have had to prove myself often that I was smarter than that. I'm not a freaking genius, but honestly, I can't be a mommy.
I was happy when my mom decided once to give Awana a try, but then decided mid way that she did not like my sister's friend's parents asking why we wouldn't do it. I remember the response, "Why? They don't need indoctrination," that was when I learned a truth, the person who babysat us was Gay and that these people were telling us that he was a child molester when he wasn't. I am thankful when I told him about Awana and his response of, "You don't need it, that's not what a God wants, he doesn't want little clones, he wants people to follow their hearts." And to this day, I am thankful for those words of advice.
These words are not advice:
“I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully.” – I Timothy 5:14 (KJV)
If a Christian woman told me she had no emotional intelligence and had a hard time dealing with children I would tell her the same thing I tell women who say they simply don’t have a desire for sex with their husbands. You need to cultivate a desire for these things and ask God to put these things in your heart and remove any desires in your heart that are contrary to his design for your life.
Let's emotionally destroy a woman's self worth by telling them that they HAVE to put it through their lives to be a home maker or a mommy. It isn't fair to us as a female that we have to wear the badge of having a ungrateful ingrate of a child who has the lesser IQ or having to deal with a PTA that would rather have the Richie Rich mommy telling everyone what to do. Does that seem modern to you?
This sounds like the crap my mom had to deal with, I mean, she may think I didn't hear some of the crap that was hurled at her because of me being a Sp.Ed. I remember quite vividly as she sat in that meeting having parents who had kids that weren't in special ed telling her how inadiquate she was as a mom. I remember how they would idealize my sister, and then look at me like I was kind of curse. I knew that it hurt my mother to have me witness it and to just sit there and play with toys and have them thinking, "She's too stupid to know we're degrading her and her mother." Did my mom actually stand up and tell them? Oh she did in her own very cold manner, I remember that, I remember her telling me to get my coat and that suddenly cold look of "If you can't grow the f--- up, then you don't need me to tell you the budget for this year." She held over their heads the fact she was an accountant, that she could balance a budget better than any person out there...and here these Losers were that had no training in it, I remember the words of a former Girl Scout Leader about my mom, "Oh she's in charge!" That's the mom was in charge of the PTA at Wilmont Elementary in Evergreen Colorado and I would be damned if she didn't just put half the school on trial for discrimination!
I don't see Christians standing up for themselves in that manner, I don't see it in this article either, I just see a degrading of what this woman who is a genius is. Why should she contact a Christian group if she knows the answer?
Here is what caused me to respond to this with such a negative thought:
Women do not know or accept their place in God’s creation anymore. “A woman’s place is in the home” is just one of many truths that our society derides and mocks. “to ‘love, honor and obey’” has been stripped from most marriage vows as women no longer believe they must obey their husbands or be in subjection to their husbands as Sarah who called her husband “lord”(I Peter 3:5-6).
Oh this really does not support a woman in the least, this just supports the view that women are less intellectually than men. Honestly, I have seen both men and women in the same late, they are about as stupid or as smart as the next set.
Gender roles were FORCED onto a culture back in the days and it hurt our development more than anything. This whole back to the house idea of some Christians is the worst idea considering that what will happen if the husband dies, what happens? She has to remarry or have to deal with the fact that the woman will be forced into the welfare system because she doesn't have the ability to manage money on her own.
I made a decision to NOT do it, my fiance and I both decided that we needed this, he can't find work at times so I'm the one bringing home money and thinking of the house. I have to balance our budget, our rent, bills and so forth are all through me! I made decisions that help us pay for anything and everything.
Here is another selfish story by the same writer: Working Mothers
This was what urked me is the idea that I'm being selfish at the decision to pursue a life that is much more me, a life that doesn't include having a family or having a connection. I want to keep my hobbies and my heart, I don't want to be a mother or a family because it isn't in my design or my plans.
It doesn't wrecks a woman's self esteem when you think about how Evangelical Christians put so much emphasis on Family and BRATS! Honestly, the reason why i think Christianity should FAIL is because of the emphasis, the growth of groups like the Childless by Choice, and the movement to end Gender Hostility as I view Gender Roles as being
Its old fashioned and not isn't part of what is normal for the culture, to force a woman out of her need to work and also bring in an income kind of causes a problem for me at least. I'm a breadwinner and that's my role, I accepted it when my fiance can't find work. He has had problems for years with that, he is either told, "I'm sorry, you're over qualified, your debts are too high, you could steal..." it went from that and he never stole in his you can imagine how I feel. He takes on part time and even less jobs and he can't even help me with that, it hurts him, while I work and do what I can.
Bringing a child into a situation that can be damaging, i have told people I came from a very negative view of the special needs crowd. I was sort of forced to tolerate people who drooled on themselves and sometimes treated it like I had to accept birthday invitiations when I as a child would intentionally throw them away when I got the chance. I was never really accepted in the normal classroom by some students until high schools when I was reading and doing classes that were far beyond that of a Sp.Ed kid. I actually believed I was cursed to be stuck with Retards as they were commonly called and if I had a child like that I would chose adoption as an option because I knew i would never accept or even condone their existence as part of my job. I believe its MY money and my rules, if my child is substandard in that, then adoption so they can get a family that is able to support it or institutionalizing the child till adulthood.
Its not that I hate them, its that I can't be seen or even working with a child that is not suitable to my IQ level. I was born with a very high standard of IQ which landed me in places that I had no interest in being in. I was bored throughout half of my classes because some of it was just material I had no idea how to deal with. I am still horrible at math, but yet when it comes to books or history, much less even culture understanding, I have exceeded the expectations of a culture of well...Religious idiocy.
The truth is, the US is becoming what we were escaping from Britain a long time ago, we are now facing the Fundamentalist Christians forcing the impossible rules. I can't wear a dress, I can't stay home and be a mommy, I can't be bothered with having to do all that with my husband or fiance. I have low sexual drive.
Here is another article from the same group: Why does God Make Women with Genius IQ
Honestly when I read this, I was actually furious, here was woman in my same book and I'm following what I"m doing and I feel right for it. This woman is degraded for the fact that her family decided to let her go back to work. It isn't as if she was committing a crime, she just didn't measure up to what a house wife should be, she couldn't cook or be as loving as she was as mother. Which is kind of like my mom, she tried to do the whole be a worker while my father was a stay at home dad because he was laid off back in the 1980s.
My mom found that it was not a good idea to be an accountant and then found out how horrible my experiences were at day care when my father went back to work. IT was the criticism of parents at my school that made it evident that things were not always prefect in the eyes of others.
My mother was always criticized for not having a religion in our home, reason for that, my mother was not a religious person. She wanted more for myself and my sister, but the one thing i desired was the one thing that i know she could never provide, that proof that I could be in college, I have had to prove myself often that I was smarter than that. I'm not a freaking genius, but honestly, I can't be a mommy.
I was happy when my mom decided once to give Awana a try, but then decided mid way that she did not like my sister's friend's parents asking why we wouldn't do it. I remember the response, "Why? They don't need indoctrination," that was when I learned a truth, the person who babysat us was Gay and that these people were telling us that he was a child molester when he wasn't. I am thankful when I told him about Awana and his response of, "You don't need it, that's not what a God wants, he doesn't want little clones, he wants people to follow their hearts." And to this day, I am thankful for those words of advice.
These words are not advice:
“I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully.” – I Timothy 5:14 (KJV)
If a Christian woman told me she had no emotional intelligence and had a hard time dealing with children I would tell her the same thing I tell women who say they simply don’t have a desire for sex with their husbands. You need to cultivate a desire for these things and ask God to put these things in your heart and remove any desires in your heart that are contrary to his design for your life.
Let's emotionally destroy a woman's self worth by telling them that they HAVE to put it through their lives to be a home maker or a mommy. It isn't fair to us as a female that we have to wear the badge of having a ungrateful ingrate of a child who has the lesser IQ or having to deal with a PTA that would rather have the Richie Rich mommy telling everyone what to do. Does that seem modern to you?
This sounds like the crap my mom had to deal with, I mean, she may think I didn't hear some of the crap that was hurled at her because of me being a Sp.Ed. I remember quite vividly as she sat in that meeting having parents who had kids that weren't in special ed telling her how inadiquate she was as a mom. I remember how they would idealize my sister, and then look at me like I was kind of curse. I knew that it hurt my mother to have me witness it and to just sit there and play with toys and have them thinking, "She's too stupid to know we're degrading her and her mother." Did my mom actually stand up and tell them? Oh she did in her own very cold manner, I remember that, I remember her telling me to get my coat and that suddenly cold look of "If you can't grow the f--- up, then you don't need me to tell you the budget for this year." She held over their heads the fact she was an accountant, that she could balance a budget better than any person out there...and here these Losers were that had no training in it, I remember the words of a former Girl Scout Leader about my mom, "Oh she's in charge!" That's the mom was in charge of the PTA at Wilmont Elementary in Evergreen Colorado and I would be damned if she didn't just put half the school on trial for discrimination!
I don't see Christians standing up for themselves in that manner, I don't see it in this article either, I just see a degrading of what this woman who is a genius is. Why should she contact a Christian group if she knows the answer?
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