Colorado School District makes a Mistake

Link: Conservative CO School Board Member: AP history is wrong....

I went to school in Colorado, I was in the Jefferson County most of my childhood and to be honest what was going on has well....this is bad. You cannot censor the facts, and now they are basically doing just that, the Advanced Placement classes the classes you test into for college credit are now under fire by a overly conservative group in Jefferson County that wants to basically destroy history to the point where certain basic facts are considered Anti-American.

I was never in an AP class in my life, but even I learned from the same teachers who taught these classes, they taught basically the same method. What's going to change if this goes on? Well...some of these kids won't be able to go through basic history in college because AP means Advanced Placement, as in they get college credit for these classes.

When looking at what was going into this which turned my stomach, for one, historic facts like the bombing of Hiroshima or even the protests of the 1960s of the Vietnam War will be changed or reworded. I'm sorry, but my experience with Conservatives have been kind of negative and also the fact remains that changing history or rewording it to the point that it turns into a joke, doesn't help.

What we need in history is.....Actually taking into the account no country is prefect, we are all part of the world, all countries make laws and rules that make no sense. The US is no exception to the rule, in fact we are the single worst country for making laws that not only isolate and ruin some cultures. The history that kids learn are that we as a country have to learn from the past.  Why do we need to bring the idea of American Exceptionalism which is actually teaching Ethnocentrism.

Ethnocentrism is not Education! American Exceptionalism is Ethnocentrism in Disguise. 


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