Let's Open Up: J-Rockers RULE

Why do we limit ourselves to just the music of our nation? Kind of funny when some of my favorite bands actually came from Britain and hell Germany.I am a Goth kid, that's right, I like Goth music, I grew up loving the Clash, which went to Big Audio Dynamite, I like Within Temptation and a few other bands that have a good Rhythm.

What I also like and I was introduced to it by a great costume designer named Warumono Desu and my friend, Danielle. We are fans of a growing crowd of J-Rock lovers. I love the groups, some being VAMPS (not to be confused with the US band), DaizyStripper, Alice 9, and more to say because there are just so many of them.

There are so many and there are many who speak about it online and offline, but there is an overwhelming desire to bring J-Rock officially to the US, instead of us fans having to go to Youtube or sometimes having to go as far as importing the discs. We are lucky that some J-Rockers are able to expand to the US by learning they have fans.

This is DaizyStripper and one of the few bands I enjoy, as I have learned they are truly a great group and their music is amazing. And if you were to go to YOUTUBE, you would find something beautiful there, these men are artists.

Alice 9 was a current group that I just met and it was truly a fun group, they have such a wonderful sense of humor and love to talk to their fans. 

VAMPS has HYDE a person I am very much a fan of, his music has been around for awhile. I was introduced to VAMPS on the Facebook and was following Hyde's FB for awhile. Not to mention I used to love talking on a forums about him or even wanting to meet him. VAMPS does go back to the music I grew up on and reminds me of what my childhood music was and how much fun it was. 

So why is it so hard for us fans of J-Rock having a hard time getting fan things? I will tell you simply as a fan of Weiss Kreuz, I had to go hunting and going to Anime stores to find that even the owners of the business feel J-Rock is a waste of time or they just don't like it, if it isn't Anime it isn't worth it. 

I'm still a huge fan of J-Rock and it is steadily growing in the US, there are fans who want to go to the concerts, some people like my friend, Danielle who got to go but had to go out of our home state. This was what we have to contend with. I would love to see One OK Rock in California, but I can't afford tickets go. 



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