A New Planet and the best news
Apparently a planet that was supposedly light years away might be closer than originally thought. This is kind of interesting as seen in the article found on yahoo.com: First glimpse of a Planet from another Galaxy.

If you were to see a planet from another galaxy what would you think? You would have the idea that maybe there are other life forms on it, aliens so to speak. Its an interesting thought and not a far fetched one. Many ideas from recent years point to the idea of life on other planets.
Some of the astronomers are actually excited about this and are thinking there might be air or some kind of environment to study. What is really strange about this world is that it jumped ship from another galaxy and wound up in the Milky Way Galaxy, which is our home.
Called HIP 13044b this planet is going to show more to the world than just being a silent watcher as it appears around a distant star and also seems to be getting closer.
People are now considering that maybe this planet might hold a future.
As my opinion on this matter is very limited, I would say that this is really a gree
n light to continue studying the stars. I am still kind of unsure about it. We aer alw
ays looking that the theories of what might be. Again, sometimes its the fact there is no air in space, we are working on a level that is a strange.
Then agian, it might hold the answers of who we are and also what we're doing in this universe.
On the history channel it was discussing how there is a slight theory that we might be products of space aliens. The show was called Ancient Aliens and it did discuss the idea that maybe humans, us are products of space aliens and experimentation. I have no problem even believing in that..maybe the God of Christianity is a space alien who is documenting our existence.
I would have to say this to anyone who starts to debate me on the topic of God and Space Aliens, is that possibilities are endless in this discussion. Considering that there are people who do believe in this type of thing.
So believe anyone goes off on me on this, this is just my opinion, this entire thing
is about honoring people's opinions on what is considered world news. Also I would like to here opinions on this new foundation.
Of course we still have to live with the removal of Pluto from the planets, which is a little sad and also you might have to admit that Sailor Pluto must be pissed at the moment that here own planetary name is no longer valid. Then again, one has to wonder why anyone would name a planet HIP 13044b.
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