
Showing posts from 2011

We're not a Costume, But a Culture

Article: The Campaign Against Racially insensitive Costumes I do agree with the campaign simply because some of the costumes are just offensive, but what I don't get is why cosplayers will have to suffer. Amount of the costumes that some of the cosplay groups I have known have attempted to say that we are culturally insensitive. Geisha and Samurai costumes have been around for years, some people like the elegence of the costumes, while some people are starting to take it a little far. I'm against one thing, Muslims costumes, I'm sorry, but having several Muslims as friends, they don't deserve to be called terrorists or anything of the sort. There are thousands of kids out there that take that kind of problems. Costumes and such are part of having fun, not part of bullying. I'm against this kind of bullying and I think though that cosplayers shouldn't be in the middle of this. So if people are going to go around saying that we are living a stereotype, I'm goi...

Scamming....not even your traffic lights are safe

Article: Traffic Light camera scam steals your Identity So another scam artist in town, and not even your traffic lights are safe? Geez....these people are getting more annoying each day. I would have to say, there are many things that I would like to say on this level. People, if you get some call like that, please do yourself a favor, question the person doing the calling. Seriously, if they can't give you information, including the facts the cops will have your plates on file and SSN on file. Sorry, but this is just a bad thing altogether to have happen to you no matter what. Personally after having a scam artist like the one in Texas who I shall not name, believe me, my fiance and I are very careful on these matters. But again, scamming con goers at anime conventions, trying to pass off as friends and then turning around and trying to use ID for other reasons. In opinion to this, I would say, just use your best judgement, don't just let some scam artist pull the wool over y...

This is news?

Read: 100 Million ATM receipt This is not news, this is someone who actually knows how to save money or its a bank error, to be honest, who knows and who freaking gives a care. We live in a nation where we have people snooping through other people's lives so easily, I noticed this and was guilty of this. I stay out of it now a days and just read in a corner. I don't think it is right to think the person in the story is some Scrooge McDuck, no, he's way. This is a person who has kept up with his money and has not overspent on trivial things. I'm guessing this person doesn't even have a credit card. I doubt there is a person swimming in a huge pool of money, that would just be silly. If he or she is reading this good job, you made the American dream, you may not think you're rich, but you're better off than the rest of us. What would I do with that kind of money? Being that I'm a poor girl at the moment, yeah, having that amount of money in my acc...

Since when....

While reading this story: Abortion save my life I started to see how people are now starting to devalue women's reproductive rights, I'm sorry to say, but I'm a woman so it made me think. If I'm pregnant and this kind of problem happens, my fiance or husband-to-be would have to be left alone to raise the child, which would be a horrible situation. Then having to deal with doctors who were down right apathetic when he goes in to tell them to save my life. "Why save it? The baby needs to live first, then the mother," would likely be a response. He would become infuriated with the system. Seeing someone who went through hell, then having a team of good people come in and do the abortion regardless of how they felt personally and also honoring the oath to save lives. That's the important part, not going in and telling the mother, "'re bleeding and the baby is dying, but I'm not going to perform the abortion because its against the will o...

Do people actually read this?

OK, I'm just going to ask, "Do you even read this? Does it click?" If not, then who cares about preaching to the choir. Opinions of others do matter, at times I have seen it in panels that I run, the ideas that need to be changed and sometimes even staging needs to be seen. Near most the views I have seen in the news it is generally the stupidity of others that are seen. One hint of good news that comes across that maybe there is a ray of hope and also a chance for revenge. Speaking of the revenge in the news today, it appears that the evil known as bin Ladin was killed, that he is now gone in some ways. Though now we are awaiting revenge from the other end, in truth, the problem with people who come around the news is that whether it good or bad, maybe either end can never come to a conclusion. Don't think me a good person or a pessimist, believe me, I'm just stating this now, neither point of view appeals much to me. If you are upset that I am not cheering for t...

Pagans have rights

Article: Mike Huckabee Wants Americans to be Indoctrinated at Gunpoint When I watched this I was furious, he was almost speaking and also talking out his butt saying that America was found by Christians for Christians. What annoys me is that I'm a pagan and considering that this jerk doesn't believe that Wicca or other religions are important as part of American culture. "Well, if American mainstream media has an ounce of journalistic gumption remaining the answer most certainly would be "yes". Huckabee has just been caught on video, at a Christian supremacist conference, stating that Americans should be forcibly indoctrinated at gunpoint." (Link above) The group that Huckabee spoke at is a group of fundamentalists who want to falsify history. "David Barton is the leading promoter of a brand of falsified American history altered to support the claim that America was founded as a Christian, rather than a secular, nation." (Link above) David Ba...

An Attack on Women's Rights!

Read this: Idaho Rejects Rape Exception In Abortion Bill Because 'The Hand of the Almighty" was at Work Why does this not surprise many people. Many states are facing this same problem, though considering that an attack on women's right to chose is still the agenda of many evangelical Christian groups who make it their mission to tell people what is OK and not OK in their own personal lives. "Marching in step with the GOP’s nationwide war on a woman’s right to choose , the Idaho legislature gave final approval to a bill that would outlaw abortions after 20 weeks . Modeled after Nebraska’s first-in-the-nation measure, the bill — like the one passed in Kansas last week — is based on highly disputed medical research alleging that a fetus can feel pain at 20 weeks. Idaho’s bill, however, also fails to include exceptions for rape, incest, severe fetal abnormality or the mental or psychological health of the mother. “Only when the pregnancy threatens the mother...

Jobs that aren't that great

Please Read: Young Mexican Police Chief Fired After Reportedly fleeing to the U.S. Before you say, yes...yes, another illegal to cross our borders, can you believe this poor woman's plight. She is actually an enforcer of the law in a small town in Mexico! Not only did she take on the job because it was supposedly no one wanted because apparently the last one could have been killed by Drug Cartel and gangs. How does this relate to us? Well...this poor woman finally had enough of the freaking threats, packed up her things and a government official in another town accompanied her to the border crossing bridge to let her begin process of getting legal papers to hide in the states. No matter how hard this looks to anyone in the states, if you see people who evidently have a walking target on their heads, I don't think there is a thought in my head of not letting her in. I'm sorry, but I say, let her in, get her to safety, her family and herself need to get the hell out of Dodge ...

Another WHAT THE HELL IS this bill?

Read this article: Georgia anti-abortion bill will require an investigation of miscarriage What the hell bill of the month! I swear this is anything more annoying than what it is. Another attack on women and also our rights for reproduction. Like in the Colorado with amend. 62 which would have done the same thing, it was brought down because it would have caused too much problems. "Legislation recently introduced to the Georgia legislature by House Republican Bobby Franklin would make abortion the legal equivalent of murder and require miscarriages to be investigated by authorities. The bill, known as HB 1, was uncovered by the progressive blog The Daily Kos . Franklin's bill would classify the removal of a fetus from a woman for any reason other than to produce a live birth or to remove a dead fetus as "prenatal murder." Physicians indicted for alleged "prenatal murder" would have their license suspended until they were found innocent of the crime...

Vague and yet it passed?

I don't report much on world news, but this is going to annoy are two sources to look at: The Escapist: Child Safety Bill Bill 156's Total Scope The Bill 156 is a public ordinance bill in Tokyo Japan, this bill causes a problem because of the vague assumptions and also the fact that the Japanese are strongly looking at what is considered deviant. It is a long held fact that Anime and Manga has been so ingrained as part of the culture, that even fans from all over the world are taking a notice of this bill because it could in some ways out right kill the ability for fans to obtain their favorite series. Like the bills and acts made in the US regarding beer, illegal substances, cigarettes, and pornography. Anime has always toed the line in between considering that most of the anime world has been blasted with what is called Hentai (Porn). The problems with what is going on in most nations regarding the issue of pornography is the difference between adult and child. I...