Furry Raiders Part 3
Now This Gets Rude Now there is nothing to say I won't talk about the actions that the group has made over the years and yes welcome to the third and last entry on the Furry Raiders commentary. I have come to the conclusion that I will talk about the moments the group was supposed to be respecting the rules and yet decided not to. Foxler and some of his followers have at times say they respect the views and rules of some conventions, but there were moments that were reported by DogPatchPress and also several former members who also reported the actions to local groups and conventions. As stated, DenFur Convention in Colorado actually outright banned Foxler and then some of his fellow friends who tried to get him into the convention. This ended with him being taken off the hotel area by the local police and he had a trespass charged levelled against him. (This is alleged, whether true or not has not been proven.) Foxler by some sense should have kept himself clea...