The Furry Post

 I'm going to mention this because it will be coming up as I do research, most of the issues are alleged or actual fact. The truth is that much of the Furries involved have either been arrested at one point or another, while the others have refrained from making anything public.

This is not to say that many of the Furries who have come forward are lying, they are also in themselves telling the truth of their experiences. I am one such Fur that yes has had experiences with the Furry Raiders and their tactics to get supporters. 

I remained a neutral party, so as such, this commentary is going to be going to be on the side, this is where I will make side notes as I go along. Part 2 and Part 3 will be covering the controversies attached to the fandom and what Foxler has said, done and also tried to retract from the group. Those who have come forward need to understand a few issues.

1. You are not at fault for the actions of your leader, you are also the ones who spoke up when needed to, so don't feel like you're the ones directly or indirectly involved.

2. Telegram itself has had some of its content being leaked before, following the Furry commentary groups have made it a mission to do so.

3. I again a neutral commentator and not a reporter! 

There is also the fact that I am not going to cite YouTube at times because there are things that in the Furry Commentator groups that I disagree with. While I understand this will be taken onto YouTube by someone who will either agree or disagree with my views. I am still going to mention, these are also the observations from a Furry who watched from the sidelines and made notes. 

Thank you! 

M.M. Fenney 


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