
Showing posts from 2016

The Bane of Anti-Intellectualism

Link: Anti-Intellectualism and the Dumbing Down of America While reading this article, I was shocked with how true this is...while I'm in pain from a surgery, I'm kind of shaking my head. I'm starting to really hate the US's desire to get rid of people like myself who sits reading. I love books and movies that are intellectual or at least interesting, we are seeing people who are denying that history happened. While working at my job, I see it all the time, I am very intelligent and suddenly I get asked a question of "why bother learning this crap, it is worthless?" I stare in shock at the person asking me the question and think to myself, why both talking to someone who can't even read a novel without complaining about it. In the article it speaks of the dumbing down, well...we are seeing it in cultural changes, religious groups whining that nonChristians are attacking them. We don't attack them, we challenge them with the idea that we have to d...

Religion Kills....Imagination and Life

Link: Biblical Gender Roles Here is what caused me to respond to this with such a negative thought: Women do not know or accept their place in God’s creation anymore. “A woman’s place is in the home” is just one of many truths that our society derides and mocks. “to ‘love, honor and obey’” has been stripped from most marriage vows as women no longer believe they must obey their husbands or be in subjection to their husbands as Sarah who called her husband “lord”(I Peter 3:5-6). Oh this really does not support a woman in the least, this just supports the view that women are less intellectually than men. Honestly, I have seen both men and women in the same late, they are about as stupid or as smart as the next set. Gender roles were FORCED onto a culture back in the days and it hurt our development more than anything. This whole back to the house idea of some Christians is the worst idea considering that what will happen if the husband dies, what happens? She has to remarry or ha...

I feel bad for Jadis, Narnia Explained by a Pagan

Sadly, I have no better words to describe how much C.S. Lewis bores the hell out of me, but honestly, I believe it is a lesson for us Pagans to not trust 100% a lot of Christians. There are Christians out there that are bad and good. But I believe that The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe and the Chronicles of Narnia are all pretty much painting Pagans in a bad light. Jadis for instance is a victim! She actually is forced into a role as an evil ruler when she was supposed to be set as a guardian. She has a horrible fate thrust onto her, she has real joy in her life and also the person she trusted most, Aslan betrays her in the worst possible way. I'm not saying this is a great way to paint us Wiccans and Pagans who have done nothing wrong, but it is truly the worst way to explain anything. The children are victims too, because here they are thrust into a world they know little to nothing about, a place where once was joy and happiness, now thrust into a shadowy sadness. The ...

Why I chose not to be a mom

Having had to watch the distasteful things like the Duggars and a few other people who are Pro-Family on TV, I made a decision based on experience. Growing up,  I was pretty much living in the shadow of my little sister who was skinny, pretty, and otherwise just in the eyes of others, the ideal. She was actually a model at one time and sometimes still models on the side just for fun. She is a mom and does more than expected even though she has to live with my mother and father. For myself on the other hand, being in her shadow, I had to live with the stigma of having what was called Learning Disabilities or LD, having to be told I wouldn't make it. Having teachers who would just say, "Why can't you be like your sister who is a success?" I sat through life wondering what was wrong with me, but I'm basically seeing it now more than ever. I don't want to be the parent of a child with LD, I don't want a kid with learning problems that I had, I don't ...

Cosplay facts and other strange stories

I remember going to a convention and had a friend, well...he's still around and he's actually a great cosplayer. So anyway, while I was watching him interact, I was suddenly realizing a horrible factor, the people that he was talking to were actually not so pleasant. I'm sorry to say this about groups of people, but when it comes down to it, there are some cosplayers out there who were just out right rude and not pleasant. The few I met have been warm and accepting, but there is something to say that comes with a forked tongue. There are those who use that whole cosplay factor as a popularity catch, I don't do cosplay for popularity, but I do it for the fun of it. And there are times I see people just pick on other cosplayers like crazy and it isn't cool, it isn't funny either, its rude! I don't pick on other cosplayers, that's the one thing I don't do...because I know how much heart they put into these costumes! Seriously, though when I was...