NO on 62 in Colorado
Have anyone read this in depth? COLORADO, I am talking to you! Have you read that a woman can be charged with MURDER if she so much as a miscarriage, even if it is no fault of her own? This amendment is wrong on the basis, if a woman's body can't support having a child and she miscarries, do you think that it is within her right to have a police detective take her to a police station, book her on charges of murder of her unborn child?
I will say this now, NO it is not fair. Just read this Link about Amendment 62: Click
This undermines everything we are taught as a person, criminal law and also law enforcement should really think twice before ever supporting this kind of horrible thing. Do you even think that the Colorado Law enforcement can support something like this when they can't? I can just imagine a group of women who just had miscarriages suddenly have the police show up at their door, seeing their husbands watch as they are arrested.
The reason this affects me is because I HAD A MISCARRIAGE! Not only will I get arrested and charged for something that my body did naturally, it could also put my life at risk. If i have another child, what will happen when the police show up and say, "I'm sorry, but your Mommy is a murderer and its our job to take her from you?" Can you just imagine what would happen to my child and my husband for that matter?
I will tell you, the state cannot hold a person for a crime that the human body commits each day. Miscarriage can go on during many different reasons, a mother's body in biological sense could be jeopardized if this occurs. Secondly, it is biological more than psychological, if the body is stressed out it could cause the body to abort the fetus. It isn't the mother's fault, sometimes this happens if there is no stress involved. It is the level of chemicals that rush through the body at any given time that could cause it.
My miscarriage was due to stress brought on by a certain roommate who was out to steal from me and also take my fiance from me. So if Colorado passes this amendment, my husband will have to visit me with glass in between, no kissing, no even touching, which would kill me...and if I am pregnant now, well...there goes his chances of having his son/daughter with him before I could get out, my child will instantly become a ward of the state, even against my own will.
This is a legal nightmare in many cases because it causes a damage between a husband and wife, a family in itself, and also causes families to fall apart. 62 is more about trying to put a name or a face on something that can't get it until maybe a few months later. I am against abortion for stupid reasons like, "Susie can't keep her legs shut," or , "Its okay, I can have sex this once and abort if it happens," these are the stupid signs of idiotic people and teeny-bopper Twilight fans who aren't even able to think outside their horde.
If you vote yes to 62, think about how many mothers will be going to jail for their FIRST miscarriage! Our legal system will be too tied up in cases like this that real criminals like those drug dealers you know about, or those idiotic meth heads in a King Soopers' parking lot pan handling and stealing from people at knife point on Sheridian blvd. Think real hard, can we really afford to be so petty, that we spend all our money on getting innocent mothers or even worse young women who want to have children, but biologically can't at this time be put in jail?
VOTE NO ON 62! It just isn't ethical!
I will say this now, NO it is not fair. Just read this Link about Amendment 62: Click
This undermines everything we are taught as a person, criminal law and also law enforcement should really think twice before ever supporting this kind of horrible thing. Do you even think that the Colorado Law enforcement can support something like this when they can't? I can just imagine a group of women who just had miscarriages suddenly have the police show up at their door, seeing their husbands watch as they are arrested.
The reason this affects me is because I HAD A MISCARRIAGE! Not only will I get arrested and charged for something that my body did naturally, it could also put my life at risk. If i have another child, what will happen when the police show up and say, "I'm sorry, but your Mommy is a murderer and its our job to take her from you?" Can you just imagine what would happen to my child and my husband for that matter?
I will tell you, the state cannot hold a person for a crime that the human body commits each day. Miscarriage can go on during many different reasons, a mother's body in biological sense could be jeopardized if this occurs. Secondly, it is biological more than psychological, if the body is stressed out it could cause the body to abort the fetus. It isn't the mother's fault, sometimes this happens if there is no stress involved. It is the level of chemicals that rush through the body at any given time that could cause it.
My miscarriage was due to stress brought on by a certain roommate who was out to steal from me and also take my fiance from me. So if Colorado passes this amendment, my husband will have to visit me with glass in between, no kissing, no even touching, which would kill me...and if I am pregnant now, well...there goes his chances of having his son/daughter with him before I could get out, my child will instantly become a ward of the state, even against my own will.
This is a legal nightmare in many cases because it causes a damage between a husband and wife, a family in itself, and also causes families to fall apart. 62 is more about trying to put a name or a face on something that can't get it until maybe a few months later. I am against abortion for stupid reasons like, "Susie can't keep her legs shut," or , "Its okay, I can have sex this once and abort if it happens," these are the stupid signs of idiotic people and teeny-bopper Twilight fans who aren't even able to think outside their horde.
If you vote yes to 62, think about how many mothers will be going to jail for their FIRST miscarriage! Our legal system will be too tied up in cases like this that real criminals like those drug dealers you know about, or those idiotic meth heads in a King Soopers' parking lot pan handling and stealing from people at knife point on Sheridian blvd. Think real hard, can we really afford to be so petty, that we spend all our money on getting innocent mothers or even worse young women who want to have children, but biologically can't at this time be put in jail?
VOTE NO ON 62! It just isn't ethical!
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